I have deep acne scars on my cheeks. How well do fat transfers work on acne scars? I’m not sure if I want to go through such an invasive procedure if there is a risk it might not work very well.
Facial acne scars are one of the most challenging issues we deal with as plastic surgeons. Not all facial acne scars look the same and not all facial acne scars can be treated the same. Autologous fat injection into the face is an excellent procedure to help elevate some of the wider and deeper acne scars of the face. The acne scars are first elevated to release the skin from the deep connections that they have to the face and fat is then placed underneath the scars in order to smooth out the face. Facial fat injection in combination with laser skin resurfacing can really give noticeable improvement to acne scarring of the face.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld