What are spreader grafts are what are they used for in rhinoplasty?
Spreader grafts are cartilagenous grafts which are harvested from either the nasal septal cartilage or auricular cartilage. These grafts are placed in between the nasal septal cartilage and the paired upper lateral cartilages of the nasal bridge. The purpose of these grafts is to widen the middle vault of the nose (widens the nasal bridge). Spreader grafts are used in rhinoplasty when a large nasal hump is removed to prevent the bridge from collapsing post operatively. Spreader grafts are also used to widen a narrow nose. Spreader grafts are used mostly to address internal nasal valve collapse. The grafts not only support the internal nasal valve, but, they also help to widen the nasal airway.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld