What is the difference between a mini-facelift and a mid-facelift?
There are several differences between a mini-facelift and a mid-facelift. The mini-facelift is also known as a MACS-lift or minimal access cranial suspension lift. This particular facelift is used to address the lower face, specifically the jowls in individuals with moderate lower face skin redundancy and jowling who do not have a great deal of excess skin of the neck. The mid-facelift is a procedure that I perform in order to augment the cheeks while at the same time elevate the cheek fat pad to give a more youthful appearance to this mid portion of the face. I have been using a great deal of autologous fat transfer to this area either alone or in combination with a traditional mid-face lift in order to really accentuate this area of the face. The mid-facelift does not reduce jowling and the mini-facelift does not elevate ptotic cheeks.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld