I will be getting a neck lift. I am worried about the bruising and swelling afterwards. Will the swelling make it feel like it is difficult to breathe? Will there be any numbness in the area?
Bruising, numbness, and skin tightness following a neck lift procedure will depend upon the type and extent of the neck lift being performed. In an individual with a significant amount of skin laxity, excess submental fat, and a need for tightening of the muscles of the neck, a considerable amount of skin undermining will need to be performed.
The more dissection of the neck that occurs, the more likely that neck skin numbness along with a sensation of tightness will be present.
The tightness and numbness that you experience will resolve in a short period of time. I can think few other surgical procedures that give such a high degree of patient satisfaction as a neck lift in those individuals who are good candidates for the procedure.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld