I never thought I would start to wear turtlenecks to hide my neck but I do! How dramatically improved can I expect my neck to be after a necklift? Can I throw my turtlenecks away?
If you are truly self conscious about the appearance of your neck, then it is likely that you would benefit greatly from a necklift. A necklift will be able to improve the excess skin of the neck, tighten the muscles of the neck that are contributing to banding of the neck, and remove excess fat of the neck if this happens to be a problem, too. The only thing that the neck lift will not be able to accomplish is improve the quality of the skin in the neck. In order to improve the quality of the skin of the neck, you will likely need Fraxel laser treatments. Fraxel laser treatments are safe and effective when used to treat the skin of the neck.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld