I’ve got a fairly small nose for my size. I’m a 6’ 1” man with a smallish nose that I’d like to have built up. I’m pretty sure I’ll need additional material put in to get the right size and shape. I’m not too keen on using ear, rib, or cadaver cartilage, so I was thinking an artificial implant. What types of nasal implants are available for use in a nose job?
There are several types of implants available to augment your nose during rhinoplasty. I happen to be a big believer in using your own tissue, such as ear, septum, and rib. I have a great deal of experience in primary and revision rhinoplasty and the biggest problems I have found especially in revision rhinoplasty are when I have to correct a nose that has had an artificial implant placed. The various implants are silicone, gortex, and medpor. Each of these implants have advantages and disadvantages and I have experience with the use of each of these implants in rhinoplasty.
If I am already operating on your nose then for nasal augmentation rhinoplasty, nasal septal cartilage is readily available, adds no increased downtime to your recovery, and will enable me to safely and effectively increase the size and improve the shape of your nose.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld