I want to reduce my lip lines. I don’t think I want Botox there; how would you be able to drink from a straw if you can’t get your lips to move? Do you suggest injectable fillers for the lip lines or laser skin resurfacing? Would lip augmentation lessen the lip lines?
Reduction of lip lines is a very common request amongst my patients. It is perhaps one of the most difficult areas to address. You may require a combination of several different approaches to alleviate your lip lines. Botox when placed in small amounts can decrease the ability of your mouth to purse and this decreases the wrinkles. If too much Botox is placed you will have difficulty drinking or kissing so one needs to be conservative with regards to the application of Botox. Fillers are also effective to reduce and fill lip lines but, the results are only moderate when fillers are used alone. The use of lasers and more recently the use of fractionated lasers to the skin around the lips has also been a great help in the reduction of lip lines. More than one treatment may be necessary especially in deeply wrinkled lips. Finally, lip augmentation I feel is the best way to reduce the appearance of lip lines as one of the causes of lip lines is deflation of the lips and filling the lips will plump the lips and fill the lines concurrently.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld