When I was doing research for the possibility of getting a nose job, I came across a nose that was just about exactly what I want. Since I have the same issues as in the before picture, could I conceivably get the same nose with a nose job?
I have many patients who see me for consultation for rhinoplasty and bring photos with them of noses they absolutely want to have. During the consultation with the patient for rhinoplasty I go over the changes that the patient desires to the nose but, I also help them understand why a particular nose that looks good on one person may not be a perfect fit for another. I am also careful to tell the patient that differences in skin texture and thickness as well as, cartilage and bony structure will influence the eventual outcome of any nose that we decide upon. I use the photos that patients bring for rhinoplasty in order to get an idea of the extent of change a patient would like to their nose as some patients want very little change and others want more significant change.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld