I’m a 32-year-old woman and I got a nose job 14 months ago. I’ve been wanting a revision since about the 4th month, but I’ve been patient. After my previous surgery, I was left with a pinched, but pig-like nose. What techniques are used to fix these kinds of problems?
Your question with regards to revision rhinoplasty is not a simple one. In my experience, when the nose is over operated on and too much cartilage has been removed during the primary rhinoplasty, the nose can become pinched and pig like in its appearance. It would be difficult for me to give you the exact steps I would need to perform during your revision rhinoplasty in order to correct the current deformities without a thorough consult, but, I would likely need to essentially rebuild your nose. In order to do this I would need either nasal septal cartilage, ear cartilage, or sometimes both. The cartilage would need to be carved into specific shapes and placed into specific locations in your nasal ala, tip, and bridge in order to repair the work that was done during your prior rhinoplasty. Various suturing techniques would also likely be performed to stabilize the new grafts that are placed and to help repair the nose.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld