I’m a 37 year old woman with a very uneven skin tone. I feel like it’s time for a fresh start, so I’m thinking about getting microdermabrasion. I know the process is called sandblasting, but I’m not sure if that’s literal or not. Is sandblasting in microdermabrasion done with an all-natural sand?
There are basically two types of microdermabrasion machines. One uses sand like crystals that do “sand blast” the skin. The crystals are sterile so there is no fear of contamination when the procedure is performed correctly. The machine that we use for microdermabrasion uses diamond tips that have a sand paper like pattern in the tip. These are extremely effective. The tips are sterilized after each use and their is no risk of contamination during the microdermabrasion.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld