Next week, I’m getting a chin augmentation with an implant. I’m excited and nervous about the procedure, and I’m not exactly sure what to expect. I know there will be some pain, but will my chin be bruised after chin implant surgery?
Good luck with your chin implant. In order to place the chin implant some dissection of the chin beneath the skin and muscles of the chin needs to take place to create a pocket where the chin implant will be placed. The soft tissue of your chin area will likely have some bruising but this may not show up on the outside of your chin as the surgery to place the implant is usually deep to the skin. You will definitely have some swelling and this will make your chin appear enlarged. The swelling will last about a week in most cases. I prefer an external approach for chin augmentation and implant placement so you will have a 1-2 cm incision hidden underneath your chin through which the chin implant will be placed. Some transient numbness of the chin and lower lip can also occur after chin augmentation but, this is generally temporary.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld