I had a mini facelift 3 weeks ago. I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain which I didn’t expect with it being a mini procedure. It’s been getting better, but still uncomfortable. Is this normal?
I feel strongly that two sources of information are at work when patients seek my advice with regards to the mini facelift. On the one hand, my pre-operative discussion with patients gives realistic expectations with regards to the length and quality of the recovery period from the mini facelift. I do not consider the procedure a weekend facelift as if it only takes a weekend for your face to recover from the mini facelift; the results will likely be not only short lived, but extremely disappointing. The second source of information about the mini facelift is from the media or less reputable advertising sources such as the “lifestyle lift”. I spend a lot of time dispelling the false claims with regards to the lack of discomfort and recovery time following a mini facelift. It is simply an expectation that cannot be met. So, to answer your question more specifically, some discomfort which is now resolving following your mini facelift is not only acceptable, but, also expected.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld