Question: Do you think that an endoscopic brow lift will last a lifetime or is later surgery usually necessary? Answer: There are several ways to perform a brow lift operation. The way in which the brow lift is performed should have little to do with the longevity of the results that you will see. Endoscopic… [Read More]
I really want to have better looking eyes and I have
Question: I really want to have better looking eyes and I have scheduled blepharoplasty twice, yet cancelled both times. I am a worrier and I am worried that something might happen and I could lose my eyesight. Has this ever happened? Answer: One of the risks and potential complications of blepharoplasty surgery which should be… [Read More]
My nose is too big for my face. I would like to
Question: My nose is too big for my face. I would like to get it reduced with rhinoplasty. I am a nose breather. If I get my nose reduced, will it affect my breathing at all? Answer: Many people who seek rhinoplasty to reduce the size of their nose are also concerned with whether or… [Read More]
I have vertical lines in my forehead above my nose.
Question. I have vertical lines in my forehead above my nose. I would like to get Botox injections to smooth these out. Are the effects seen right away? Can Botox be used on other parts of the face as well? Answer The vertical lines above your eyes are one of the most popular areas for… [Read More]
I am 48 years old and thin.
Question:I am 48 years old and thin. I think that this makes my face seem rather hollowed out, and I also think if makes me look older. Is there an injectable treatment that can fill in these hollowed areas or is a fat transfer preferred? Answer:Your complaint with regards to your face is a rather… [Read More]
I think I look pretty good for 59.
Question: I think I look pretty good for 59. I very few wrinkles, I exercise religiously and I have maintained my weight. Why then, when I have taken such good care of myself, do I have loose folds of skin on my neck? Can I get these folds removed with a neck lift? Answer: The… [Read More]
I spent most of my youth in the sun and now I have some.
Question: I spent most of my youth in the sun and now I have some spots of pre-cancerous keratoses. I have been told that a chemical peel can remove this. How long must I stay out of the sun after I have had a chemical peel? Do you test the cell types afterwards to make… [Read More]
My son has a nose that seems to push over to one side.
Question: My son has a nose that seems to push over to one side. It doesn’t bother me but seems to bother him. I constantly see him pushing it over to the other side like he is trying to straighten it. I know he gets teased about it in middle school. Can rhinoplasty straighten out… [Read More]
I’d like to get laser hair removal on a couple areas of my body
Question: I’d like to get laser hair removal on a couple areas of my body. Is there one laser hair removal machine that’s the best? Answer: Laser hair removal is still the most popular procedure that we perform. The technology has come a long way since the introduction of laser hair removal lasers. Patients were… [Read More]
Lasers 101
I was reading through some of our older posts and noticed that I reference many different lasers that we use and was thinking that it might be confusing to you as the reader to know which one does what? So Here is a little Laser 101: Laser Hair Removal: We started with the FDA approved… [Read More]