Question: If you perform a cartilage graft from the ear to nose, will that area of the ear grow back?
Answer: I use cartilage grafts frequently in both primary and more often, in revision rhinoplasty. Cartilage grafts are my favorite source of grafting material for numerous reasons. Cartilage is an abundant source of grafting material in rhinoplasty and can be harvested from the nasal septum, the ear, and in more extreme cases the rib. More importantly, cartilage grafts will not be rejected as foreign material and the potential for infection from cartilage grafting of the nose is minimal. Cartilage will not re grow in areas from where it is harvested. It is important to understand this as a rhinoplasty surgeon so that the appropriate amount of cartilage is harvested. If the appropriate amount of cartilage is harvested then there will be no subsequent anatomical deformity of the ear or nose as a result of the cartilage harvesting.