Where are the incisions made for a forehead lift? How bad is the scarring?
The incisions for a forehead lift or browlift can be in different locations depending upon a few factors. If you are male, then the incisions will need to be placed in the temple hairline or directly into one of the creases of your forehead as you run the risk of male pattern baldness and visible scars in the future. If you are having an upper lid blepharoplasty performed at the same time as your forehead lift, then the approach I prefer in males is through the upper eyelid incision. In females, the incision for a forehead lift will depend upon how high the hairline is and how thin the hair is. An endoscopic browlift is performed with incisions placed entirely behind the hairline of the forehead and temple region. A pretrichal browlift incision is used in those females with high forehead hairlines prior to forehead elevation. All of these incisions heal with acceptable scarring and well camoflaged.
Posted by Dr. Philip Schoenfeld