Question: Will a chemical peel improve the appearance of large pores? Answer: Chemical peels come in a variety of strengths and formulations. In general terms, chemical peels can improve the appearance of large pores. The stronger the formulation of the chemical peel, the deeper the penetration of the chemical agent which results in increased and… [Read More]
Acne Treatments
Can a chemical peel help?
Question:I am in my mid-thirties and still suffer from acne. I have used over-the-counter and prescription treatments, but nothing has worked. I was thinking that a chemical peel might help. Am I correct, or would that just be a temporary solution? Answer:Acne is an ongoing problem for most adults who suffer from adult acne. Chemical… [Read More]
I have deep acne scars on my cheeks
Question: I have deep acne scars on my cheeks. How well do fat transfers work on acne scars? I’m not sure if I want to go through such an invasive procedure if there is a risk it might not work very well. Answer: Facial acne scars are one of the most challenging issues we deal… [Read More]
I have very bad facial acne scars. I hate looking like this
Question: I have very bad facial acne scars. I hate looking like this and it seems to look even worse every year. I am Mexican and have darker skin. Is there a skin resurfacing procedure that I can have that won’t change my skin color but will get rid of some of the pitting on… [Read More]
I’m 23, female, and I have pretty bad acne
Question:I’m 23, female, and I have pretty bad acne that isn’t getting better. I currently use Accutane to help control it. I’m thinking about getting microdermabrasion to further help keep it in check. I’m a little concerned though: Will the aluminum oxide used for microdermabrasion react badly with the Accutane? Answer:There are different machines for… [Read More]
I’m a 24-year-old female and I am completely fed up
Question:I’m a 24-year-old female and I am completely fed up with my back acne. I’ve tried all sorts of ointments and washes and nothing seems to help. I’ve been considering trying a skin resurfacing method since less aggressive treatments don’t seem to be working. Can dermabrasion be used to treat acne of the back? Answer:Back… [Read More]
I’m a 17 year old girl, and I have quite a bit of acne
Question:I’m a 17 year old girl, and I have quite a bit of acne. I’m desperate to get rid of it, but I can’t seem to do it. I want something that will stop the acne in its tracks! Will dermabrasion keep acne from coming back after the treatment? Answer:Acne can be an extremely difficult… [Read More]
Lasers 101
I was reading through some of our older posts and noticed that I reference many different lasers that we use and was thinking that it might be confusing to you as the reader to know which one does what? So Here is a little Laser 101: Laser Hair Removal: We started with the FDA approved… [Read More]