Question:I saw an interview with a doctor who said that a chemical peel can be used not only on the face, but the neck and hands as well. What’s different about treatment on the face as opposed to the rest of the body? Answer:Chemical peels can be and are used on the face, neck, and… [Read More]
Chemical Peels
How much time will I need to take off work for a physician
Question: How much time will I need to take off work for a physician strength chemical peel? I don’t want to go back to work until my face looks 100% normal. Does the peeling/healing process hurt? Answer: The time that you will need to recover from a chemical peel will depend in large part on… [Read More]
Who do you recommend should get a chemical peel procedure?
Question: Who do you recommend should get a chemical peel procedure? I have a lot of fine wrinkles around my mouth and a few new age spots I would like to remove them. I am 48 years old, male and a smoker. Answer: For the type of skin issues that you are concerned with, my… [Read More]
I would like the deepest strength chemical peel
Question: I would like the deepest strength chemical peel that you provide. I am 55 years old, male and have acne scars on my cheeks and wrinkling in all the usual places. I also have several age spots that I would like removed. What will my face look like during the recovery period? How long… [Read More]
Over the years, the skin on my face seems
Question:Over the years, the skin on my face seems to have become several different shades. I am interested in a chemical peel to even out the skin tones on my face. Can I get a chemical peel for this that will also remove some of the finer wrinkles? Answer:Chemical peels are an excellent way to… [Read More]
I’m a 56-year-old woman. I had a face lift last year
Question: I’m a 56-year-old woman. I had a face lift last year, so I figure my skin must be pretty delicate at this point. I’m happy with the results of my lift, but I would like my skin to look younger. Would getting a chemical peel be detrimental to the results of my facelift, or… [Read More]
I’m 24, female, with very bad skin
Question:I’m 24, female, with very bad skin. I’m considering a chemical peel, but I’m worried about whether or not it will hurt. I get my hair bleached a lot and that’s uncomfortable but I can stand it. Is getting a chemical peel as uncomfortable as getting your hair bleached? Answer:As I have mentioned in previous… [Read More]
I’ve been thinking about getting a chemical peel
Question:I’ve been thinking about getting a chemical peel for the last few months. I’m a 33-year-old woman and I’ve had some sun damage and acne in the past that I’m concerned about. I know a chemical peel is only supposed to stay on for a certain amount of time, but what happens if it is… [Read More]
What are the side effects of a chemical peel?
Question:What are the side effects of a chemical peel? Answer:There are many potential side effects from chemical peels. The key to a successful chemical peel is having experienced personnel applying the right chemical peel for your particular situation. My aestheticians are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in the application and indications of light chemical peels for… [Read More]
After years of tanning, my skin is rough in areas all over
Question: After years of tanning, my skin is rough in areas all over my body. I have heard of chemical peels used for uneven texture and tone on the face. Can a chemical peel be applied to other areas such as the back? Answer: Many of our clients who come to Renu Med Spa and… [Read More]